AA LociMAKE 2014 is an intensive, five-day, opportunity to engage in a live architecture project at Hooke Park using innovative woodworking techniques developed by regional master craftsmen living and working in Dorset. The title ‘LociMAKE’ originates from the expression ‘Genius-Loci’ meaning ‘Spirit of the Place’ and for one week only, Petter Southall, Jim Tory of Sladersyard and Guy Mallinson of Woodland Workshop will combine their insights and knowledge towards an architecture built from pioneering woodworking techniques. Daily hands-on workshops will be undertaken using methods such as steam bending, bendywood, thermaflex and/or greenwood working. Participants will experience the complete cycle from felling a tree to enjoying a drink in the finished architecture.
The theme for LociMAKE 2014 is Buoyancy. Exploring how architecture can maintain neutral gravity and float or remain buoyant even in challenging environments? The workshop culminates in a symposium with invited leading practitioners and teachers of architecture from the AA School of Architecture, Dorset and beyond.
Accommodation in the Edward Cullinan lodge, meals in the Frei Otto refrectory, materials from the forestry and classes in the ABK / Otto workshop are all included. The course is open to architects, students of architecture, design and landscape, makers and phd scholars.