InterScaless, University of Houston

Inter Scaless is a two-week workshop where students develop parametric design strategies that enable them to generate design scenarios across scales, while focusing on a given conceptual framework. The challenge this year is to rebuild the relationship between the Houston's channel border and the public urban structure of Houston, to generate a sense of place.

Parametric systems that respond to both existing urban fabric and Houston's port water mass, lead to a range of artificial landscapes that negotiate public space with the Ship Channels edge.

Situated at the crossroads of urban design, architecture, environmental design, infrastructure and building preservation, this exercise will give participants the opportunity to develop their skills through different methodologies based on the exploration of local conditions, material processes, and the experimentation with digital fabrication and representational tools. The Visiting School is an opportunity to experience methodologies and ideas developed at the Architectural Association in a two-week intensive full time studio.