Currently, there are two Auroras on earth: The Aurora Australis, of the southern hemisphere, and the Aurora Borealis, of the northern hemisphere. They are caused when solar winds reach the high atmosphere of the magnetic poles.
But this only happens in good clear weather conditions.
These are the Finnish weather conditions I have become more familiar with : clouds, which at winter have the base height ranging from 400 to 500 up to 650 meters, winds, rain and snow.

So these conditions, which cancel the Aurora Borealis, Are the ones that would form the Aurora Toppilis - The Aurora of Toppila. An artificial Aurora. One that would serve as a substitute to the Aurora Borealis. Generated by the Apparatus built on the remains of a Silo designed by Aalvar Alto the 1930's.

City of Oulu plan and elevation - The Aurora Toppilis.

The Artificial Aurora of Toppila Finland, and the conditions which generate the phenomenon: clouds, which at winter have the base height ranging from 400 to 500 up to 650 meters, winds, rain and snow.

These conditions, which cancel the Aurora Borealis, Are the ones that would form the Aurora Toppilis - The Aurora of Toppila.

General Scheme

The scheme of forms applied on the existing silo building to achieve the projection of the Aurora.

Woven Ceramic system

A ceramic woven system derived from the weaving logic of the paper model.
It is comprised of two components that can connect to each other and to themselves, functioning as an independent system or 2 woven systems. The components are hollow and can be used as vessels. The system as a whole can be a wall the would allow light through depending on the density of the weaving and interlocking of the components. Alternatively it can be set a a ground field.

Opening Process

The opening process of the building leading to the balanced condition and the different factors that later effect the movement of the building and thus the Aurora projection.

Building Components

The listing of the main components of the building and the mechanism.


Plan of the building and its exterior with the shading system based on the light tests made with the model of the building's panel system. Using the different light leaking situations, the exterior is designed to counter the escaping light and allow uninterrupted view of the projection itself.


Short and Long elevations of the building and its exterior with the shading system based on the light tests made with the model of the building's panel system. Using the different light leaking situations, the exterior is designed to counter the escaping light and allow uninterrupted view of the projection itself.

Access and interaction

Accessing the building Increases the interaction with it, reveals the mystery behind the phenomenon and eventually, lets the person walking in the building effect the phenomenon himself, thus advancing thus stepping even further in the experience of the aurora form unknown, to understanding to participant\collaborator.

The Building Sliced

A sliced view of the building showing the mechanism intact and the potential circulation of the folded panels reachable from the stairs on the ground floor.

The building sliced

A sliced view of the building showing the internal mechanism intact and the connection to the external mechanism