The project fuses the dependence of humanity on energy grids and the density created by the new technologies. Energy storage has been static in formation however a forest of infrastructure is called upon to adapt to the existing Port formations. The Port holds advantageous environmental conditions which bring forth the possibility of harvesting energy. Flexibility and adaptability brings the merging of clusters of existing technologies to form a flexible energy blanket which contrasts to existing infrastructure that indicate underground distribution.

AA DIploma 18 - The Energy Blanket

The project fuses the dependence of humanity on energy grids and the density created by the new technologies. Energy storage has been static in formation however a forest of infrastructure is called upon to adapt to the existing Port formations. The Port holds advantageous environmental conditions which bring forth the possibility of harvesting energy. Flexibility and adaptability brings the merging of clusters of existing technologies to form a flexible energy blanket which contrasts to existing infrastructure that indicate underground distribution.

Transition to a Post-Oil Economyy

Is it possible for Renewables to replace Fossil Fuels in Energy production? What impacts will retrofitting these renewable technologies bring to the energy grid?

Wind simulation + Location

With renewable technologies like Wind Turbines, suitable placement and type of turbine is crucial to the generation of substantial amounts of Energy.

Proposal for new transmission grid

Current electricity distribution is horizontal and travels crosses borders to reach consumers. With wind and solar energy located in abundance at the Planetary Boundary Layer, one can tap into the source and feed off the power above.

The Energy Blanket of Port Vendres

Wind and Solar technologies float at 300m above Port Vendres. The Energy Blanket allows the Port to disconnect from foreign supply of Energy and rely on its local environmental conditions to provide them with the electrical power.