The Genesis of Energy Clouds
This project is investigation into the formation of energy sustainable city by converting abandoned neglected natural resources into regenerative energy sources.
Basically, London is one of the fastest urban areas energy demand is enormous. That I found interesting thing is London is filled with marshes for flood mitigation theses marshes have a great potential to harvest energy. So, my new system is to construct habitable area for people harvest wasted energy resources from marshes to regenerate it.
That I found really interesting thing is that London is filled with marshes. They are flood mitigation for London. However, they also have a problem. Marshes main producer of Methane gas which is 21 times severer effect of global warming.
The objective is to establish energy structure for new city on marshes. Moreover, this project is alleviating negative effect of greenhouse gas emit from marshes by converting it as a natural energy capitalizing positive value, which means utilizing methane as a natural energy resources. As a result, this project is establishing energy sustainable city on marshes.
This is about tapping into untapped resource of the greenhouse gas released we can harvest and we can use for energy so we will also stop the effect of greenhouse gases.
Therefore, greenhouse gas is regenerated as a new opportunity for creating new space on marshes and energy supplier for people in London.
The main concept of this case study is one industry's by-product can be a raw material for other industry. This system is sharing by-product together in order to decrease wastes as well as increase economic profits.
The relationship between energy production (biofuel, algae), Habitation, and flood barrier on marshes.
Mashes are emitting massive amount of methane 75 mg per 1 square meter. It means that 40 square meter of marshes are producing enough energy for 1 Londoner's energy consumption.
Also, methane is more than 2 times lighter than air. Therefore, basic methodology of collecting methane is utilizing the property of buoyancy of methane by membrane balloon with minimizing destroying existing marshes.
Floating membrane balloon system is collecting dispersed methane.
Methane Balloon Concept Drawing
Prototype of whole system
Composite Drawing
Minimized footprint, elevated platform on marshes and floating energy system can make decentralized system so there is no need to energy and waste structure on the marshes.
Marshes still produce methane and human activities can be performed on the elevated platform and this elevated platform can be approached by monorail which is mainly hanged by proposal. This core system connects this platform, marshes and habitable space. In addition, some point of marshes can provide different natural environment to provide better quality of life.
Captured natural gas can be transported to existing city, London in a balloon shape.