The project is an alternative proposal to Tottenham Court Road in light of the changes brought about by Crossrail. By claiming and intervening phases of the construction process planned on site for Crossrail and No.1 Oxford Street, the project seeks to create a new permeable urban typology that is conductive to creative and productive activities in Central London. It sets out to reinstate a dynamism that is otherwise being pushed out of the centre of the city by organising opportunistic spaces and structures for production around publicly accessible courtyards. These in turn create a new secondary link between other networks of back streets and access ways around Tottenham Court Road.

St Giles Circus


Permeable succession of spaces defined by the different exposed elements of the construction phases.

View from the back of Soho square.

Section through large space created at the back of Soho Square and the new boundary of the site.

Re-using the temporary retention of the escalator shaft.


1:50 Process model

Emergence of new spaces through a conscious act of revelation.