Alessandra Ghione MArch Dissertation

In the municipality of Venice, demand by visitors for accommodation other than in hotels has been rising in the last ten years. This project offers a novel approach for meeting this demand. This takes the form of a take-away architecture that leaves no sign of its existence once its occupants have left. The building elements arrive flat-pack at a storage site where each unit is assembled to be fitted either on a floating platform or set-up on land. The structure of the units is light and modular, easy and fast to assemble. The building elements are designed to have adjustable environmental properties so as to provide adaptive responses over the daily and seasonal cycles as well as shorter and longer-term variations in climatic conditions. Seasonal and climate change adjustments are undertaken as part of unit assembly, with daily adaptations under the control of the occupants. The design proposals incorporate a range of adjustments that allow the units to be inhabitable comfortably throughout the year providing a dynamic design solution.