Architecture is defined by the surrounding context. The interaction between an object and its surroundings is what makes us perceive it, whether an object is integrated into a Hausmannian facade of Paris, or stands elevated in the middle of a plaza.

The iconic is a way of representation, a particular object that has become a symbol, the context within which it is place is what defines an icon.

In a modern Junkcity like Hong Kong, icons do not exist. What is the context that will allow the whole city to be percieved as an object and as a symbol of modern architecture?

Perceiving Hong Kong - Context Diagram

The collapsed axonometric rapresentation of a sequence through which the city of Hong Kong is percieved as an iconic entity. Combing the different types of observer, and introducing the new typology of architecture within architecture.

Horizontal Space - Design

Designing a horizontal space, consisting of repeated ribs with different densities and thickness, fluctuating along the course of the observers movement.

Vertical Space - Design

Designing a vertical circulation space as a helix structure.

Reinvention of Paris - Blurring Exteriorities - Integrated Observer

The boundary between the exterior and the interior is blurred through a repetition of monumental exterior ornaments. The space assumes an ambiguous state of an integrated observer, as he perceives the space itself as an object.

Reinvention of Paris - Blurring Exteriorities - Passive Observer

The boundary between the exterior and the interior is blurred, however the observer is focusing on an object framed by architecture which becomes the ultimate destination in the scenery.

Reinvention of Paris - Active Observer

The observer now perceives the object from within, therefore playing an active role by interacting with architecture and moving through space. The object assumes a dynamic state in which it can be reinterpreted and experienced depending on the location of the observer.

Reinvention of Hong Kong - Panoramic view - part 1

The interaction between the newly designed context and the existing city of Hong Kong. the two contexts are blurred together when perceived from outside assuming the same character.

Reinvention of Hong Kong - the Plaza

Part 1 - Interior View

The context assumes different stages, this stage is the plaza and its relationship to the elevated walkway. A space that becomes accessible and under-used in the city like Hong Kong where the priority is given to movement and circulation.

Reinvention of Hong Kong - Panoramic view - part 2

Reinvention of Hong Kong - The Passage

Part 2 - Interior View

The Passage of Hong Kong is a space that gives the city its identity. It is what defines a street. This street can be used as a device and context to create a new iconic vision of both the city panorama and the passage itself, celebrated the merge between the Iconic and the Generic.