I have been investigating different kinds of domesticity. By observing different situations spaces in relation to their spatial, cultural historical setting, I have discovered new areas of interest. Taking on the role of detective, I observe subject matter unframed: I look for clues of what my subject is in a different cultural and spatial setting. I search at different scales in order to see the subject of investigation with new eyes. My work has become not only about the subject in itself but an analysis of what the subject means to me and speculations of what it could be for others. My subject matter ranges from photographs found at the AA archives to the mess of my desk at my flat or the layers of discarded material of my goat shed in Norway.

Scale of my objects

Hierarchy and scale of objects explored by enlarging objects that would otherwise go unnoticed and discarded.

Object Imprint

A speculation of what sort of imprint my objects would make, had I let the dust accumulate.

Cleaning Choreography

LED-lights and long exposure photography explores how I move as I clean my house.

Cast of Goat Bedding

A cast showing the depth of the bedding in my goat shed in Norway. The bedding consists of straw that has accumulated for two years (30 cm), ranging from dry straw as a top layer and old straw, turned to earth as a bottom layer.

pin-hole camera made from matchbox

A picture taken with a pinhole camera made from a matchbox camera

Domestic objects and animals

Inhabiting a goat shed by placing personal domestic objects in the goat shed.

Cast of lamp and bedside table

A fragmented cast showing the exact position of a randomly placed object, to preserve traces of a mundane, domestic life.

Banana fossil

Hollowed out cast of a banana, speculating in what traces from everyday-life will look like in future.

Macro dust

Macro camera made from laser pointer lens attached to a phone camera. Footage from a dusty floor.