Section of a garden in Mali

Using Nature as the basis for design, a building must grow, as Nature grows, from the inside out.
Architecture should not be an isolated shell of a space within which people move, but a live environment reflecting the essence of the natural world without working against it. It presents us with the ability to create new multi-disciplinary architectures that combine data, light, motion, structure and location into an entirely new environment, potentially a "moving architecture". We consider the architecture as the machine, the environment becomes the architecture.

Plan of a garden in Mali

The renovation of a great mosk of a city in Mali, each year after the rainy season, when the mud building had been partly damaged by the rain. The buildings of the garden will never have a finished design. They are continuously growing: It is an on going project.

Model of a garden in Mali

The development of buildings is a collaboration between human beings and the environment. Time and space are not separable anymore, architecture cannot any longer be static.

Workshop spaces

A space for the students and alumni when they go out of London for workshops, biennale, exhibitions and more! They have to feel at home anywhere in order to feed their collective creative energy and a way was to create modular structures, easy to move even far away from London. The idea was also to question the relationship to the surrounding spaces the tents would be confronted. So depending on the temperature, wind strength or ground qualities, the final arrangement of the tent differ. They can be put in lines for instance allowing the creation of a long corridor but being open to the environment or they can be put together creating a natural courtyard betwenn them.

A new Architectural Association

A generative tower - group project

A "generative building" organises the flows of communication, knowledge and movement.
At their intersection, when they coincide and intermingle, surprises emerge that cannot be intentionally produced and controlled.

The actual impact of any architect within a building is directly linked with its spatial organisation. The proposed building is therefore the combination of linearity, fluidity and centrality. Linearity is defined by a progression of spaces in a consecutive manner, fluidity as the blurring of threshold of spaces to create a sense of continuity and centrality as the generation of a core through the convergence of circulations.

The combination of different spatial organisations permits flexibility within the space. The building does not take into account its program, it creates a progression of spaces that will regulate the internal movement without hindering the vast opportunity for the internal program.

Living the grid

Unger's house revisited

The city : a product from history and a stage for wonder

The ideal building : the villa Hadriana.