The proposal addresses our relationship with nature by exploring the scenario of an alternative form of industry.

Rather than attempt to emulate nature, the focus is on understanding what the potential uses of naturally occurring processes might be. Thus, natural phenomena emerge as potential new modes of fabrication.

Discovering that salt-marsh ecosystems have the ability to perform like factories frames the project as a Factory of the Future that uses the marsh as the embodiment of the factory’s form, infrastructure and main method of production.

The ecosystem therefore becomes the industry that drives both human and environmental growth.

2050 Industrial Park

Nature as Factory

Abstract model depicting natural production lines that appear within the salt marsh ecosystem.

The visualization includes additional man-operated processes and economically viable products that can be harvested from the marsh.

Ecological Industry Model

Factory zones

System Overview

Marsh Factory at Low Tide

Mediterranean Expansion of SMFoF

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Salt Marsh Factory Growth

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