The project is an interrogation of how cities are not only connected but also a critique of the interface between infrastructure and urban realm. The question being: how can major extra-terrestrial circulation be integrated into local community, urban fabric and rural Landscape whilst moving beyond the 2nd Industrial Age?

The project intends to reconcile two existing but opposing government propositions by looking at the existing proposals for both an eco-region and airport hub within the Thames Gateway. By distributing the traditional components of a long haul transport hub, the project looks beyond the airport as a ‘building’ and beyond the aeroplane as the means of international travel of the future.

Drawing 1 - Site

Exploding the Conventional Airport

Drawing 2 - Operational Diagram

Re-imagining the Airport Experience

Drawing 3 - Context

Context a of new Spine Airport connecting the existing towns along the Thames gateway

Drawing 4 - Urban Sample

The spine of connectivity in relation to the existing

Drawing 5 - Tectonic

Cross section through the spine