White Garden - White City

Tragic collective memory plays an important role in the city of Tel Aviv. Tragedy uses the city’s architecture as a medium - an aspect which triggers towards the form of the square.

As a key form in the city, the garden squares epitomize the current static condition, characterized by neglect and lack of architectural language and integration between public and private, nature and built.

In order to reinstate the role of the garden square, I propose to extend the existing garden squares into adjacent non-square blocks.

By fragmenting the intervention into 9 distinct moments, using the common form of the pilotis, the squares become more present, yet not monumental.

This strategy challenges the relationship of squares in the city, allowing not only for the monumental to take place, but also for the ordinary.

1:200 Short Section

Blurring figure and ground.

Local Case Studies and Permuation

Extracting key formal elements (column, roof, slab, ground level, enclosure) and combinations.

Initial Intention

Rearranging the five elements in order to integrate nature and built.

Garden as Fragments

Dividing the two blocks into several moments, that follow the location of the 'closed balconies'. Using 'paths' and 'points' to differentiate between the moments.

Catalogue of Key Moments

Using a grid, aligned with the building's front line, in order to control the density and rhythm of columns, roof and space.

Exploded Axo

Above the ground the design works with the grid, whereas below ground, the diagonal line is used to cut across the whole site, opening the circulation and intervening with Geddes' grid.

1:250 Long Section

A long section through the site, stretching over two blocks. Indicating the change in levels above and below ground.

Render Moment 03

Render Moment 08